Wednesday, February 03, 2010

U.S. Wealth Redistribution

Creative accounting UN style.,2933,551480,00.html

Led by a shock-wave of developing countries, the U.N. General Assembly abandoned a 20-year tradition of adopting its budgets only by consensus — a custom that gave major donor countries like the U.S., which enjoy only one vote, unofficial clout on budgetary matters in keeping with their financial contributions
In 2007, however, the General Assembly took an official vote on the 2008-2009 budget — and approved it, 142-1. The only No vote came from the U.S. — under the Bush administration.
That result, according to Heritage's Schaefer, meant that "the majority of UN member states who contribute very little to the budget no longer feel the need to listen to the concerns of its largest contributor."
Misery and woe to the world if America should realize the lefts' utopian dream and revert to the horse cart and subsistence farming.


dragonb4 said...

insane. completely insane.

Maurice Enchel said...

Thanks for commenting.