Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Speaking of Dubai's Planned Development and High Gas Prices

What a successful example of human ingenuity and capitalism. Think of the individuals whose ancestors spent centuries in such a God forsaken place. Now look at it. It took people to build that. And it will take people to run it. People who just 20 years ago had nothing. Now they are certainly enjoying hot and cold running water, air conditioning, satellite television. Should everyone around the globe someday enjoy such fruits of human invention. Should everyone have the hope that their communities should thrive thusly.
Did anything exist here for even thousands of years but sand? Now there are jobs and a thriving economy. This is good for people. 
If there is blame to be had for our high gas prices, it should pass to China and India where people are actually beginning to enjoy the kinds of technology that we've had for almost a century now. But mostly it should pass to those in wealthy Western societies who have little faith in the ability of free men to utilize the earth's resources and, simultaneously, develop technologies to mitigate their affects on human communities and the environment.