Friday, December 05, 2008

"...but some are more equal than others."

There is no greater example of hypocrisy than opponents of school choice preferring an alternative to public education for their children. 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why I can't vote for a Democrat

Why I can't vote for a Democrat.
Conservatives & Republicans give more in charity and offer their time and service to others most consistently, regardless of income (Arthur Brooks). Democratic Socialists, who now have come to power with the election of Barack Obama, don't because they can't confirm whether or not everyone else is, nor can they be sure of the magnitude. Mere compassion is not as important to them as 'fairness in giving' as they've defined it. This is the distinction.
Socialists are not sufficiently humble to give for the sake of giving. They envy those who horde wealth, therefore, remain uncharitable. The perception that others of similar social status are not givers precludes them from considering personal generosity. It is of a sense that it is unfair that while they might give, others keep. They protect vehemently their discontent with inequity and use government to ameliorate it because they are conflicted. On the one hand they see the need for generosity, even their own gifts and sacrifices, and yet they vanquish the guilt of inaction by citing injustice. Which is the moral position, to give without conscience or demand fairness at the end of the barrel of a gun?

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Herd Mentality

This is a very interesting topic. 'Nature' follows a complex of reactionary behaviours at the subconscious level. This subconscious conformity or 'tyrrany of the mind' must also stem from the same psychology.
Scientifically it may be encoded in DNA, but ultimately its power is metaphysical.
Put the question of safety in numbers to Carl Jung, or before him Gottfried Leibniz and others, and you might get an answer more compelling. All, understood and respected the perennial philosophy,
"that recognizes the divine Reality substantial to the world of things
and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to,
or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in
the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent ground of all being; the thing is
immemorial and universal."
'Jung emphasized
the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern people rely too
heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and
appreciation of unconscious realms.'
Human societal behaviour is not unlike that of a school of fish; reactionary in the fulfillment of existential responsibility. What is unique is that 'human society', especially in the west, has conquered much of the predation. This success in overcoming our environment is paramount to societal growth. The freedom of the individual to push societal restrictions in accordance with Divinely guarded transcendence is the progression of civilization. An individual or societal resistence to the Divine then is detrimental to either or both. Wierdos, deviants and loners are ostracized for good reason. When society does reach out to them it is always with the intention to bring them into conformity. Who associates with such for another reason but those same conflicted souls?
Of course we emulate those we perceive to be more successful. Ultimately 'our' success depends on it.
The 'tyrrany of the mind' can only be true tyrrany when the ideology or behaviour we are to emulate is not in accordance with the Divine. (Certainly it is tyrrany when others mandate it through government and make its nonconformance punishable.)
Divine law and truth, and obedience to them, is liberating.
The key phrase you've mentioned Brian is, "... as it [rigid confomity] becomes more and more detached from reality." This is then a discussion on the nature or reality. Certainly rigid conformity with the fundamental nature of reality is not dangerous, but essential. The fact that you have put quotes around the tribe's 'truth' shows me you understand this.
Divine Intelligence encompasses every aspect of the universe including our proclivity for particular behaviour as individuals and as societies.
Thanks for this topic Brian. It has strengthened my testimony of a living God.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Make Your Argument

In the reluctance of the left in our culture to defend their positions fairly, they have resorted to tactics which seek to redefine certain english words and terms to their advantage.

We must guard against the tendency toward political correctness.

If the 'Right' allows the left (particularly in academia) to continue to define our positions by redefining certain words like, argument, intolerance, profiling, marriage etc., we will have no recourse. Already, our society has been so influenced by this political correctness that it is uncivilized, particularly from the right, to enter into argument on issues dear to them.

Look at the definition of the word argument. Its root is from latin argūmentum, from arguere, to make clear. Clarity, like Truth, is God. To argue for clarity should be encouraged. It is a catalyst of further enlightenment. Without it, our advanced society will not progress. But ask any child what he has been taught about argument.

Another example that really bothers me is the left's redefinition of the word intolerance to denote hatred. Teachers are using it to label conscientous objectors as either racist, homophobic or just plain haters in their plans to teach global and community peace projects. I have to combat this at home.

I tell my son that intolerance to misguided and unseemly behavior and situations is not wrong and is actually an important survival instinct. It means unendurable. Certainly there are important ideas and behaviors that should not be tolerated. The left has so confounded the definition that intolerance in any situation is hate filled.

Our culture is so concerned with people's values and ideologies being challenged, but it is very important that we make these challenges. The left is tired of their iniquity being challenged.

I told my father that there is not enough argument in our society anymore. The free exchange of ideas and opinions is what is being protected by the first amendment. But the left is seeking to close argument and debate down, or atleast close the 'Right's' ability to make argument by characterizing ours as fascist, fundamentalist, and out of the mainstream.

It has even had influence in The Church. The last place it should happen.

We must ever keep in mind that collectivized socialism is part of the communistic strategy. Communism is fundamentally socialism. When socialism is understood, we will realize that many of the programs advocated, and some of these already adopted in the U.S., fall clearly within the category of socialism. What is socialism? It is simply governmental ownership or management of the essential means for the production and distribution of goods ((CN: or services?)). The socialistic-communistic conspiracy to weaken the U.S. involves attacks on many fronts. Their press and other propaganda media are therefore constantly selling the principles of centralized or federal control of farms, railroads, electric power, schools, steel, shipping, and many other aspects of the economy - but always in the name of public welfare.. ((Compiler's Note: Medicine?))

What can priesthood holders do? We should become informed about communism, socialism and about Americanism. What better way can one become informed then by first studying the inspired words of the prophets and using them as a foundation against which to test all other material? We should know why collectivism or unnecessary federal supervision will hold our standard of living down and reduce productivity. We should know why the communist leaders consider socialism the high road to communism. We should treat socialistic-communism as the tool of Satan. We should follow the counsel of the President of the Church and resist the influence and policies of the conspiracy wherever they are found in the schools, in the churches, in government, in unions, in business, in agriculture.

We should help those who have been deceived or who are misinformed to find the truth. Unless each person who knows the truth will stand up and speak up, it is difficult for the deceived or confused citizen to find his way back. Thousands of patriotic Americans, including Latter-day Saints, have helped the communists without realizing it. Each priesthood holder should use his influence in the community to resist the erosion which is taking place in our political and economic life. He should see that his party is working to preserve freedom, not destroy it. He should join responsible local groups interested in promoting freedom and free competitive enterprise, in studying political issues, promoting good men in public office and scrutinizing local, state, and federal agencies. He should not wait for the Lord's servants to give instruction for every detail. In doing these things, a member of the Church is not only making himself an opponent of the adversary, but a proponent of the Lord. May God give us the wisdom to recognize the threat to our freedom and strength to meet this danger. (Pres. Ezra Taft Benson - CR Oct 1961)


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Speaking of Dubai's Planned Development and High Gas Prices

What a successful example of human ingenuity and capitalism. Think of the individuals whose ancestors spent centuries in such a God forsaken place. Now look at it. It took people to build that. And it will take people to run it. People who just 20 years ago had nothing. Now they are certainly enjoying hot and cold running water, air conditioning, satellite television. Should everyone around the globe someday enjoy such fruits of human invention. Should everyone have the hope that their communities should thrive thusly.
Did anything exist here for even thousands of years but sand? Now there are jobs and a thriving economy. This is good for people. 
If there is blame to be had for our high gas prices, it should pass to China and India where people are actually beginning to enjoy the kinds of technology that we've had for almost a century now. But mostly it should pass to those in wealthy Western societies who have little faith in the ability of free men to utilize the earth's resources and, simultaneously, develop technologies to mitigate their affects on human communities and the environment.