Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DHS Enlists Local Authorities to Profile Conservative America

'Liberals' have their transformational faith in the bureaucracy of the Executive and oppose other institutions, particularly those "non-liberal social forces" like Church and family that often find expression in the organizations of neighborhoods, small cities, and even several States. Modern liberalism sees "central government as the more promising instrument of progress, and the others as obstacles."

This administration has been successful in casting dispersion on the free market, and will now attempt to do the same to conservative society.



AL said...

Does it come down to the law being applied proactively vs. reactively?

Is the proper application of the law to be sure justice reigns or to prevent injustice from reigning? Obviously it's to prevent injustice from reigning.

Once the law is applied proactively, it automatically invades personal and God given rights in other areas.

Even with that in mind - These days it seems the left only wants to be sure that their particular philosophies and agendas reign and not justice.

Maurice Enchel said...


I recognize those words... Those come from the mind of Frederic Bastiat... I wonder why he is not essential reading in public schools?