Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vice and the Careless Man.

My buddy Jim - - blogging about the snare of ignorance and the attempts by a certain evil force to use particularly influential people and their promotion of vice to subdue human reason, alludes to the example of television as a narcotic for the masses in dulling their senses to the current dangers of liberal ideologies.

What is ironic about Jim's argument is that, at the same time 'television' is numbing the human mind to the realities of an existential war with Islamo-nazism, a culture war with 'progressive academic groupthink', and the advocacy of a multi-cultured America with values no greater respected than those of the worst dictatorships, 'the programming' is promoting the self-same ideas in a subsconscious 'mind-meld' with the viewer.

Looking more clearly at the issue we see that the situation is always agenda driven. We can no more blame the television for the morose attitude against nationalism than we can the bottle which contained the vodka which quashed the libertarian desire in Russia.

Just as Lenin and Stalin attempted to dull the perspective of the Russian people through its influenc, and as Soros - wielding the heavy weight of the Democratic Party - attempts to use the legalization of Marijuana to captivate and usurp the agency of the American people, so the adversary, employing the apple polishers in Hollywood and main stream media, bids for our collective soul.


Jim said...

Ugh...Nancy Pillow-see (no vulgar bits intended...I just don't know how to spell her name) was on Letterman last night. Such a waste of comedic talent between the 3 late night gurus...I don't even want to watch anymore.

Maurice Enchel said...

Now that is one thing I miss about the tele... I miss out on all the radical politics.
Not as fun to hear them exerted from original on the radio.