Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Healthcare for thee, but not for me…

This certainly doesn't bode well for those pushing for a public healthcare system. Canada is supposed to have the best socialized care in the world.

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams is set to undergo heart surgery this week in the United States.

CBC News confirmed Monday that Williams, 60, left the province earlier in the day and will have surgery later in the week.

The premier's office provided few details, beyond confirming that he would have heart surgery and saying that it was not necessarily a routine procedure.

Deputy Premier Kathy Dunderdale is scheduled to hold a news conference Tuesday morning.

She's expected to provide more details about Williams's condition, as well as how the provincial government will function during his absence.

CBC reporter David Cochrane said Williams appeared to be in good health recently. He described the premier as "fairly active," playing pick-up hockey at least once a week when work permits.



dragonb4 said...

Even if people believe that the numbers in canada or similar health systems are better or comparable to the U.S. for less money...
how do they explain this?

what if their numbers are up because all of the hardest and newest and most technical and most EXPENSIVE surgeries all are done here. Everyone knows that if you have money and a major health problem you come to the US!!! Do you see anyone going to Canada? Germany? France?

So, if we go social, where will they go then? What country in the world will reward doctors and researchers to work on the hardest cases and continually advance the field?

Oh what a crystal ball could tell us... Socialized health care the world over, and no "windfall" profits for pharmaceutical companies...
I'm fairly certain that 20 years from now, medicine would have stagnated completely or even regressed as committees and politicians continually remove every little bit of medicine that could possibly have a bad side effect in .001% of the population. We'll be down to aspirin and Tylenol(which will be nationalized) No new research will be started because their is no reward, or if it is, it will be "Govt" think tanks that have hundreds of "scientists" who would likely come to the conclusion that because the sun is shining, and someone showed a pretty graph, we(not them) should cut our CO2 emissions.

Why is this so obvious to me, you, and Joe Shareholder, but not the Dems, especially Dems that I've assumed shared my values like dingy Harry.

Maurice Enchel said...

Well said dragonb. It is obvious for those of us who use are brains for other things besides soaking up the sewer mess coming into our living rooms each night through the tele.

The truth is not clear. It takes some effort to realize it. Unfortuneately there are many for whom real measured thought is either a challenge or, more likely, a complete drag.