Thursday, February 04, 2010

Glacial Science Myopia

Recently I quipped on fb that Glen Beck was one of only a handful of people practicing real journalism.

If a handful is two, the other is Mark Steyn.

Steyn has uncovered the source of the glacial melting myth fueling leftwing 'end of times' irrationality.

It appears the 'science', the catalyst for the IPCC's (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Nobel Peace Prize winning Fourth Assessment Report, which predicts Himalayan glacial disaster by 2035, comes from a World Wildlife Fund (not a science org., but an activist one) article recounting a 1999 interview conducted by a British journalist, Fred Pearce, of a 'researcher' in Delhi India. The researcher, Syed Hasnain, now working for a 'melting glacier' research institution funded by the Carnegie Corporation, taking full advantage of the myth it seems he created, ironically admits he was "speculating" about the demise of the glaciers. He confesses he conducted no research.


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