I was asked by the father of a young man, a U of U student in Comparative Cultures, to read the Bob Herbert Column below from the New York Times and comment.
Yeah… young, impressionable college students with no real world experience really go in for the inflammatory rhetoric, but you?
Bob's pejorative is juvenile and much more severe than what he is accusing the right of. This man is not a journalist. He gets air time because he can expertly turn a phrase, incite racist sentiment and indict Republicans without a modicum of honest guilt. His world, like Jesse Jackson Jr.'s and Rev. Al Sharpton's, is not necessarily black and white, but black vs. white. His columns and the profligate diatribes of others at The NYT are a big reason why it is no longer relevant.
Though I have not seen the video, it would be unfortunate that the older man with Parkinson's would be taunted in the way Herbert describes. I'm sure if you asked a thousand Republicans, including me, we'd tell you that teasing on account of disability is shameless behavior.
However, I've found no accounts of physical violence of any kind during Tea Party rallies. A far cry from the recent 'mishap' perpetrated by anti-GOPers in New Orleans just two weekends past. Perhaps this was fueled by The New York Times's "insane, nauseating, nonstop commitment to hatred and bigotry"?
If you can't bother to follow the link, here is the Headline: Republican Activist and Friend Savagely Beaten in New Orleans. They were mobbed by anti-Republican protestors outside of a restaurant on Friday after attending a GOP fundraiser.
Shameful that Bob Herbert didn't bother to comment on the real classless violence of his own party. Nor did The NYT, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC etc., it simply wasn't news worthy. Their focus is on making the Republicans out to be racists so they can sequester the minority vote and, it appears, the college student vote.
Appalling you say? But it's par for the course for Republicans, snubbed by the media again.
Examples abound of this type of violent behavior from leftwing protestors. Have you forgotten? Show me one incidence where 'Tea Party Radicals' behaved so abhorrently. C'mon, conservatives are fathers and mothers with bills to pay and mouths to feed. Jail time causes real problems for them.
Finally, let me dispel a few of Herbert's assertions. Andrew Breitbart is offering cash to anyone who has a recording - video, audio or otherwise - of the N'word, other "racial slurs" or "the vilest of epithets" Herbert purports to have been shouted during the CBC's brazen parade through the Tea Party rally. So far no one has come forward to claim the prize. You'd think with more than a few TV cameras, personal video cameras, and what, thousands of cell phones, someone would have something on someone. (Crickets)
Too, video has been circulating on the real news network, Fox, of the spitting incident. It clearly shows a protestor shouting from a rope-line at congressman Cleaver, but even Cleaver now admits that it was likely an accident.
Lastly, I know your 8th grade history teacher and textbook didn't bother reporting it to you this way, and we're all supposed to believe it was John Kennedy and the 'Demoncats' who gave blacks their civil rights, but you see, it was the segregationist Democrats in the south who stalled the bill for weeks with a filibuster. And Kennedy was lukewarm on the issue throughout his campaign for president.
History, often spun by progressive academicians (Democrats), isn't always what it seems. However, a look at the numbers reveals more than what the average public high school graduate has been led to believe. Regarding The Civil Rights Act, it was the Republicans, as a percentage of the seats held in the Senate and House, who overwhelmingly embarrassed the Democrats to pass the legislation. I'll break it down for you:
The original House version:[9]
- Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
- Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[10]
- Democratic Party: 44-23 (66%-34%)
- Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version:[9]
- Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
- Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[9]
- Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
- Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)
*History 101 – Republicans freed the slaves while the Dem's fought to hold them, and then showed overwhelming support for their 'equal rights.' The Dems, especially those in the south, including Al Gore Sr. … not so much.
Bob Herbert is an irresponsible firebrand who counts on his reader's academic torpor and shiftless ignorance to rally to his cause. Those who really care about the Truth and unifying instead of dividing society, see Bob as the reckless malcontent he is.
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