This is a very interesting topic. 'Nature' follows a complex of reactionary behaviours at the subconscious level. This subconscious conformity or 'tyrrany of the mind' must also stem from the same psychology.
Scientifically it may be encoded in DNA, but ultimately its power is metaphysical.
Put the question of safety in numbers to Carl Jung, or before him Gottfried Leibniz and others, and you might get an answer more compelling. All, understood and respected the perennial philosophy,
"that recognizes the divine Reality substantial to the world of things
and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to,
or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man's final end in
the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent ground of all being; the thing is
immemorial and universal."'Jung emphasized
the importance of balance and harmony. He cautioned that modern people rely too
heavily on science and logic and would benefit from integrating spirituality and
appreciation of unconscious realms.'
Human societal behaviour is not unlike that of a school of fish; reactionary in the fulfillment of existential responsibility. What is unique is that 'human society', especially in the west, has conquered much of the predation. This success in overcoming our environment is paramount to societal growth. The freedom of the individual to push societal restrictions in accordance with Divinely guarded transcendence is the progression of civilization. An individual or societal resistence to the Divine then is detrimental to either or both. Wierdos, deviants and loners are ostracized for good reason. When society does reach out to them it is always with the intention to bring them into conformity. Who associates with such for another reason but those same conflicted souls?
Of course we emulate those we perceive to be more successful. Ultimately 'our' success depends on it.
The 'tyrrany of the mind' can only be true tyrrany when the ideology or behaviour we are to emulate is not in accordance with the Divine. (Certainly it is tyrrany when others mandate it through government and make its nonconformance punishable.)
Divine law and truth, and obedience to them, is liberating.
The key phrase you've mentioned Brian is, "... as it [rigid confomity] becomes more and more detached from reality." This is then a discussion on the nature or reality. Certainly rigid conformity with the fundamental nature of reality is not dangerous, but essential. The fact that you have put quotes around the tribe's 'truth' shows me you understand this.
Divine Intelligence encompasses every aspect of the universe including our proclivity for particular behaviour as individuals and as societies.
Thanks for this topic Brian. It has strengthened my testimony of a living God.