Friday, August 25, 2006

Republican Legacy

Rebuttal worth noting:


Keith’s post linked in title:


Stats Don’t Lie in Civil Rights Voting


Keith Baker, in a public forum posting of 8/24/06 - Salt Lake Tribune - criticizes Craig Monson’s post in the forum 8/12, by first stating that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not, as Mr. Monson attempts to point out, a Republican triumph but, through failed logic of his own, reverses the success of the project and awards it to the Democrats. Secondly, he attempts to peg Abraham Lincoln as a modern day Howard Dean. Does anybody buy that?


Keith’s assessments are shallow and un-researched perspectives typical of the left and their tendency for an emotional conception of history.

Though John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, presided over the Act for most of its process, he was not, based on his record as a senator and subsequent campaign for the Presidency, particularly fond of the issue and much like the rest of the nation had complicated and sometimes contradictory views about civil rights.


             Keith’s citation of congressional voting statistics to bolster his argument is fragmented and is camouflage for the deeper truths. Simply stating that 19 more Senate Democrats and 17 more House Democrats voted for the Act is misleading and reveals an elementary level assessment. Considering there were 248 Democrats and only 178 Republicans in Congress, a majority by a third, it is inevitable that there would be more “aye” votes cast by Democrats. With that said, the figures that bear out the truth more fully are that 80% of Republicans in both houses voted for, with only 19% against, contrasting that with 61% of Democrats for and an astounding 38% against.


A stronger case is made by reviewing the voting records of congress prior to the building social unrest over the civil rights issue that began in the 1950’s and culminated in the early 60’s with the passing of the Act. In fact, since 1933, Republicans had a more positive record on civil rights than the Democrats. In the twenty-six major civil rights votes since 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80% of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96% of the votes.


To address the second issue, Lincoln’s primary requisite as President was the unification of the Republic in the face of pressure from the south to secede. Though he was keenly aware of the battle waging to free the slave, his focus was on preserving the nation in its expansion. Keith’s assertion that Lincoln belongs in a class with the gay rights activists of this day is absurd. Though he presided over a war, as much economic as it was ideological, that emancipated thousands, his intellect and respect for moral traditions would have him viewing today’s moral dilemma with an eye to the appalling.



Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vice and the Careless Man.

My buddy Jim - - blogging about the snare of ignorance and the attempts by a certain evil force to use particularly influential people and their promotion of vice to subdue human reason, alludes to the example of television as a narcotic for the masses in dulling their senses to the current dangers of liberal ideologies.

What is ironic about Jim's argument is that, at the same time 'television' is numbing the human mind to the realities of an existential war with Islamo-nazism, a culture war with 'progressive academic groupthink', and the advocacy of a multi-cultured America with values no greater respected than those of the worst dictatorships, 'the programming' is promoting the self-same ideas in a subsconscious 'mind-meld' with the viewer.

Looking more clearly at the issue we see that the situation is always agenda driven. We can no more blame the television for the morose attitude against nationalism than we can the bottle which contained the vodka which quashed the libertarian desire in Russia.

Just as Lenin and Stalin attempted to dull the perspective of the Russian people through its influenc, and as Soros - wielding the heavy weight of the Democratic Party - attempts to use the legalization of Marijuana to captivate and usurp the agency of the American people, so the adversary, employing the apple polishers in Hollywood and main stream media, bids for our collective soul.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Radical Left and the New Dems


Anti Americanism runs deep on the left.

The Democratic Party will tell you that the anti-war movement is mainstream. That the majority of moderate Americans support it.

Look closely at these people. They do not represent me, my extended family, my neighbors, friends nor community... nor do the ideas presented represent anything in the way of general knowledge or moral judgement. Fabricated conspiracies and wildly exaggerated tales of American deceipt and national corruption quash rational evaluation, and blind hatred fuels a marginalized constituency which will only become angrier and more violent.

This is the radical left, supported by; The New Democratic Party, (see Lieberman vs. Lamont - with special recognition going to Howard Dean, John Kerry, and (don't let her fool you) Hillary Clinton, and funded by George Soros and These are the 'useful idiots' defined in American history as early as 1948 who's job it is to assist in the advancement of socialism/communism.

This is not mainstream America. Mainstream America has an education not obscured by drug use, is family oriented, and lives by a moral code - also not obscured by drug use. But the radical voice of this very small minority enjoys a predominance in the media. It is scary to think of the influence it has on an ambivilent mind.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Benighted Cultures

It is unfortunate that man has not matured at the same rate across the globe, but that we must, so vehemently, defend liberty and agency.

What should be apparent to all is lost on those whose heritage has existed under an oppressive doctrine, a religion based on conquest and the subversion of the spirit of God.

Like all failed hypotheses, there is little doubt that this too should come to some ultimate demise but for the immutability of sin; the pride and covetousness… envy and anger.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jim's Blog: Death of a salesman

Jim's Blog: Death of a salesman

This guy definately has a lew fews scroose.