Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Liberal 'Boomers' take credit for others hard work.

This contains a great analysis by Shelby Steele of current liberal psychology on the subject of war.

James Taranto gives an historical snippet of the civil rights movement which the Boomers take undue credit for.


-Maurice Enchel

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Renaissance of the Homeless

This article provides the consummate clarification of the failure of Secular Humanism and its derisory quest for a societal canon.




Man, ever striving to construct a top-down working societal discipline in an effort to replace God’s law, creates only anomie. Why? Because man is not accountable to man. It is as simple as that. “I’ll not have you tell me what to do!”

But God… God holds the key to your salvation young man and you better shape up or there’ll be hell to pay.


You cannot hold man accountable to the rule of law when the consequences are so moderated or even repealed as the humanists have done over several decades.


The founders of America were successful because they recognized their inability to develop something more suitable than the doctrine found in the old and new testaments so used IT for the basis of law, referring to God often.



Monday, July 10, 2006

Dharma Bums relent

The debate over the SWIFT program’s utterly contemptuous disclosure by the Venerable – see ‘Godless’ by Ann Coulter – NY Times, is, in my estimation, over.


The logic follows that if we are at war with a murderous ideology that could well last for decades - putting a burgeoning generation of children at risk of increasingly devastating attacks on their economic inheritance and Constitutional patrimony - then proper action should be taken to frustrate, subdue, and eventually retire all aspects of this religious hegemony.


Americans are progressively concluding that the actions undertaken by this subversive organization, and liberal media in general, are bare knuckled assaults on this elected administration’s effort to prosecute this war contending nothing else but the sheer hatred for the ideologies of conservative politics and religious values for which it stands.


The liberal meme; lie, cheat and steal to get your way or otherwise follow the radical play book, courtesy Alinsky (see ties with Hillary Clinton), is rapidly being exposed by the ‘Radio Patriots’; Hewitt, Limbaugh, Medved et alii, and by the internet blogosphere. These mediums provide the magnification and illumination required for rooting out false doctrines and dangerous gospels, and for propelling an invigorated morality.

The gig is up on the mouvement progressif. The Democrats have animated this philosophy to its breaking point with diminishing returns and now it’s time for the sleeping giant of reason, thoughtfulness, and the overall tenability of conservatism, to dwarf this shallow, dishonorable and nefarious Beat-ism.

-Maurice Enchel



Saturday, July 01, 2006

Jake is cool

I think Jake is the best son in the whole world.